Thursday, July 29, 2010

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Five Weeks Old

     The puppies are just over 5 weeks old.  All eight are healthy and active, but a weigh a little less than my previous 2 litters did at this age.
     Shortly after my last post Zyla became quite ill.  She went to the Leader Dog Vet and got pumped up with IV fluids and antibiotics (yet another bout of mastitus) and came home.  Her temperature reached a dangerous level of over 104 that night--so back to Leader Dogs in the middle of the night.  She and all the puppies spent the next 5 days there.  That first night I got a good nights sleep, but after that I worried more and more each day when they did not get to come home.  Finally after 5 days I went to pick them up.  I was feeling quite confident that improvement would be quick, but the first time I fed Zyla she threw up.  Things got pretty bad for the next 6 days or so.
     Zyla did manage to nurse for the full 4 weeks recommended.  Then the puppies started eating softened puppy food and Zyla has been slowly improving since then.
     The big news is that she will not be having any more puppies.  I feel relieved, happy and sad all at the same time.  I asked if she could still become a Leader Dog for a blind person???  After all that is what she was meant to do.  The plan is to wait a couple of months, LD will spay her and evaluate her for returning to the quide dog program.  However, due to her age and "motherly" body condition it's unlikely.  So---we are anticipating that she will retire within the next short period of time and we will be "adopting" her as our very own.  Like I said, it's bittersweet.   It is a real privilege to have Zyla as part of my family; she is a wonderful dog in every way.  Signing off for now, Paula
Yes, all 8 puppies are in the box. They have started eating puppy food and are spending most of their time in the bigger exersize pen.
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Sunday, July 4, 2010

3rd litter

      It's been exactly two weeks since I had my latest batch of puppies.  I have been feeling pretty good and get to eat SIX CUPS of dog food every day! 
      The only bad thing that has happed thus far:  I have a little case of mastitus.  Paula and Gary were hoping we would not have this problem this time, but it was found early and I got on anitbiotics right away.  Tonight's report: all looks good. 
      Paula and Gary got the puppies and the whelping box all cleaned up and we are enjoying a rare clean and quiet moment around here this evening.  All eight puppies are doing well.
Tail Wags and Kisses,   Leader Dog Mom, Zyla

2 Weeks Old

The "little puppies" are 2 weeks old today.
We are enjoying a rare clean and quiet moment.
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