Friday, April 23, 2010

Home from LD

Paula just brought Zyla home from her 12 day stay at Leader Dog where she was bred to yellow Lab Cruiser.  Zyla immediately checked her food dish, did a lap arount the back yard and quickly went into a deep sleep on her bed in the den.  Appearances can be deceptive.... hopefully she is really working on making those new future Leader Dog puppies!  She wants to send out a big thanks to everyone who loved on her and walked her during her stay.

Freedom makes headlines

One of Zyla's puppies (formerly "Miss Blue" now named "Freedom") and her puppy raiser are the subject of an article in their local paper.  To see the photo and read the article just click on the link  below(starts with "Pickford man...").  Yes, we are very proud of Zyla, her puppy and the wonderful puppy raiser who is working with her.

Pickford man trains upcoming leader dog - Sault Ste. Marie, MI - Sault Ste. Marie Evening News

Pickford man trains upcoming leader dog - Sault Ste. Marie, MI - Sault Ste. Marie Evening News

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