Monday, May 31, 2010

Frolic Farm Picnic 5/31/2010

Gary & Paula went to a Memorial Day picnic today without me. Yep, that's Gary petting one of my K-9 buddies named Candy.  I had to stay home as I am classified "preg" now. I missed seeing some of my favorite people, plus all the Frolic Farm smells and some of my favorite animal friends; dogs, cats, sheep, llama, horse, burrow, peacocks, peahens, roosters, exotic chickens, turkey chicks (you know how I love the wee ones), geese, pond fish, and probably some others we haven't mentioned. Well, that's just a small part of the sacrifice a Leader Dog Mom must make. Till next time. Truly and mostly housebound yours, Zyla
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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Zyla no go camping :(((

This is Leader Dog Host Paula and I'm writing for LD Mom Zyla today.  Since she has been recently bred to LD Dad Cruiser she DID NOT get permission to go on our annual Dayton, Ohio camping trip.  She is surely missing out on seeing some of her favorite human and K-9 buddies and making new friends.  There is even a Future Leader Dog Puppy here.  I'm trying to get a chance to meet them, the black lab puppy looks to be about the right age to have been in Zyla's 2nd litter.
     I also met a really nice yellow lab who likes to sit in the driver's seat of the big motor home his family has here.  He really looks like he could drive.  Labs are smart dogs, but can they learn to drive a big vehicle?
     Some more of Zyla's favorite humans are coming here for a picnic in about 30 minutes or so.  It's my sister, her family, my dad and yes, the 2 little black poodles (Zyla thinks they are puppies and wants to be their mother) are coming, too.
     We will be heading back to Michigan tomorrow, then to pick Zyla up at Leader Dogs on Monday.  I can't wait to see her. 
     I'll ask her if she has a report to post about her stay at the kennel.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Husband & Puppy napping

Gary and Carson (from Zyla's 1st litter; aka Mr. Green or Sean O'Shaunessy). Was assigned to a partner May, 2010.
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A puppy from Zyla's 1st litter (born November 2008) is assigned a blind partner!
Assignment date: May 5, 2010; Zyla's 3rd birthday.
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Charlie gets a partner

I am so thrilled to announce that a puppy, Charlie (he wore the blue collar), from my first litter was officially assigned a partner on May 5, 2010.  By the way that was a very good date as it was my 3rd birthday!  I know Charlie will be a great help to his new partner.....   Big tail wags.....   Leader Dog Zyla